Neredu Valley - New Directions in Community

Leaving behind centuries of prejudice and mutual rejection.A space for all to come together to explore new thoughts and ideas, new ways of life, through dialogue, music, bodywork and dance, art and silence.

The Neredu Valley Life Space is based on a mutual dream – a dream of togetherness.A space to look at our lives and relationships through spending time together. It is a A space in which we want to address some of the most fundamental questions in life:

Who am I?  What do I want in this life?  What do we want to do together?

Neredu came into being when a group of friends from India and Europe got together to invest their time and resources in a faraway district of Andhra Pradesh to make a home for their work. The work is that of replacing the old world model based on fear, competitiveness, control and exploitation with a new one based on friendship, trust and freedom.
We realise that this is a herculean task but think it is time to attempt it anyway as the old model has long since ceased to work. To sow the seeds of a new environment and a new life together will not only take time but much effort and unshakeable intent on the part of those who want it to happen. It will need the strength to overcome the conditioning on which our lives are based and the attitudes and behavior it engenders: mutual suspicion, the need to outshine one another, greed and the mania for personal glory.

Neredu is a home for our workshops through which the new story may be introduced to and discussed with all those who have recognized the futility of the old way. These workshops will be centered around meditation, dialogues, bodywork, music, rhythm and drumming, yoga and various other practices to enhance mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing and foster a sense of community. We hope to invite facilitators from India, Germany, Switzerland and other countries to help us with this work.
We dream of a community where like-minded people can come together and explore new ways to live with each other, where they learn how to enable an even deeper exploration of our joint lives, safeguard the natural resources of the planet and embark on a new life together , on a life free from the internal and external pollution of the old environment, making it possible for an entirely new generation future generations to grow up and live in peace, freedom, love and creativity.